Sunday, August 15, 2010

Welcome, Pot Heads!

The Philosophical Stoner was created for those of us who enjoy and appreciate those infamous high conversations that tend to spark monumental ideas in our heads. The goal of this website is to get those written down somewhere that they can be shared with and appreciated by fellow stoners. Maybe you have come up with a way to end third world hunger or maybe you've come up with a tastier way to cook toast. Whatever it may be, this site is free game to anyone and everyone who wants to share those true stoner thoughts, comments, ideas, inventions, etc. So become a member for free today and start sharing with the stoner nation!

1 comment:

  1. Imma post a comment. We need people to have a voice.. especially the Philosophical Stoners. I want to say I have high (xD) expectations from this site and that I will be posting some mind blowing shit later. But, I want to request a new page for that haha. (i just noticed it's 9:54 >_>) Sorry, got a little side tracked right there XD But yes, I want to post some of the things I've noticed like dementions (1D, 2D, 3D, etc.) and how Light and Sound affect everything... I will post again, but we really do need a new page hahaha.
